Launching Our KickStarter Campaign | BabyTopi Changing Pad for the Seat of a Car
Life with a baby comes with its own set of unique challenges. One problem I have encountered is how to change baby while I am away from home (ie. grocery store, park, gas station, restaurant, road tripping, etc.)!
- Public restrooms are dark, dirty, and loud.
- Some gas stations and restaurants don't even have changing tables.
- Car seats are slanted and make for an uncomfortable changing spot for your child.
Solution using BabyTopi Changing Pad
- BabyTopi creates a flat, cushioned, and comfortable changing experience in the back seat of your car!
- No more dirty bathrooms!
- No more searching for a gas station changing table!
- No more rolling babies hitting their heads on the seatbelt buckle!
- A similar changing experience to being at home!
- A more private changing experience compared to a public restroom!

My Story
I started designing the BabyTopi Changing Pad while I was in school. I am a mom who loves going out with my daughter. We go to the park, we go swimming, and we love to road trip! I needed a way to change my baby in my car comfortably.
I used to stop at a gas station and take her inside to change. But I'm sure you can imagine how that went! She would scream and cry because the bathrooms were always dark, loud, and dirty! There were lots of times that we stopped somewhere for a diaper change and there wasn't even a changing table, so I'd have to change her on the counter in the bathroom.
I found that changing my baby's diaper in the car was the best option, it's clean, it's private, and I can change her anywhere; we didn't have to be parked at a rest stop or gas station!
I learned though, that our seats, and all car seats are slanted! So I'd try to shove a blanket or a pillow in the corner so she wouldn't roll over to one side or hit her head on the seat buckle. (This was a particularly difficult situation when she was really little.) All these little tricks never were quite comfortable or the same as a nice change at home.
So I stormed the internet trying to find something that was comfortable, that would make my car seat flat, and that was waterproof. I found NOTHING. So I decided to make one myself! This waterproof foam wedge has a removable case and anti slip material on the bottom. It is guaranteed to make diaper changing on the road a much happier experience!
Now all I want more than anything is to help other traveling moms out there who want or need a better option to changing baby in the car!
Mission Statement
I really want every mom, dad, grandparent, guardian, and care giver to have the option to change a baby in the car. This also makes for a great registry gift!
Helping parents, guardians, and care givers feel confident that their child will have a comfortable and private changing experience from the back seat of the car.
Product Specifications
Angled Foam Wedge, Removable Waterproof Case, Anti-Slip Material
What do I need?
I am looking to raise $6000, this will help me pay my manufacturer for design and production costs, get my shipping materials, and other costs that come up in the production process!
What do you get?
If you choose to contribute $30 or more, you will be eligible to receive a changing pad! They will be mailed to you after we reach our goal and production is complete.
Time Frame
With the KickStarter funds I'll be able to pay my supplier, pay for shipping materials, and get these shipped. We want to distribute our changing pads from our website;, and on Amazon. We have almost everything settled, and we want to start mailing out these changing pads by the beginning of October!
Will you help us?
Risks and challenges
A common question I hear is "Will this really fit in my car?" and the answer is YES! I am continuously testing the pad in different cars, and so far the size and height have made the changing experience much better! It has fit in every car I have tried it in. See our instagram for more details about which cars the pad has been tested in!
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