Road Tips & Pregnancy

Road Trips and Pregnancy

You might aware of the fact that pregnancy makes everything challenging. And you need to be more careful in every aspect of life.But that does not mean that you cannot do anything and just have to stay home for the entire nine months. An expecting woman can do whatever she wants and go wherever she wants. The only thing that she needs is the correct guidance to perform the task. In this article, we will help you to enjoy a comfortable and fun trip while pregnant. Here are 6 useful tips on what to do and what not to do on your road trips with pregnancy.

Things to do:

  1. Travel when you are comfortable:

The time between 14 to 28 weeks is considered ideal to travel for an expecting woman.  Studies also show that it is safe and comfortable for an expecting woman to travel until she is 36 weeks pregnant.

This is the time when you will be more comfortable and all the bothersome things, such as morning sickness would have been gone.

Additionally, your energy also starts to boost back during the middle of pregnancy.

  1. Walk more  and keep car rides short:

Walking with pregnancy is very crucial. This helps to avoid blood clotting and many other health problems. Therefore, it is better to take plenty of walking breaks for up to 10 minutes after every few hours.

Taking frequent breaks from the car ride will help to stretch your legs. This also helps to prevent swelling, vomiting, and various other pregnancy-related complications.

  1. Pack healthy snacks:

You should pack healthy snacks for the trip. Following are some of the best and healthy snacks choices to pack for your road trip :

  • Fruits (fresh and dry)
  • Vegetable
  • Whole grain toast
  • Crackers
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Yogurt
  • Granola bars

 These snacks are easy to pack and even considered best to eat when you feel nauseous and unwell. You should also need to drink plenty of fluids (non-caffeinated fluids) to prevent dehydration that can lead to swelling.

With all the useful tips to adopt, there are also some things that you need to avoid.

Things to avoid

  1. Foods to avoid: 

You should not take or even eat fried or spicy foods on the day of travel. All these food items can cause nausea that leads to gas. You should also avoid doing eat unpasteurized dairy products or uncooked meals.

  1. Don't avoid bathroom visits:

You should not control yourself when the urge to pee arises. Postponing bathroom visits can lead to urinary tract infections.Therefore, stop the car and go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge.

  1. Avoid wearing fitted clothes.

You should avoid wearing jeans and belts. Tight-fitting can cause discomfort and ruin your trip. You should wear loose-fitting clothes to make yourself comfortable and relaxed.

